Thursday, May 29, 2008

Greybull Wyoming

I am now in Greybull, Wyoming working for the same company drilling for oil underground. Here the oil is in traps caused by faulting. Yes, it is time for a short geology lesson: the faults have trapped the oil and not allowed it to migrate away, so the oil is trapped and can be drilled.

I will probably go home via Yellowstone Park to Logan -- I am sad that none of my kids or wife will be with me to see the park -- where I can stop in and see Jackie. I will take some pictures and post them so we can plan our trip to Yellowstone next year. Brooklyn will come and visit and have so much fun.

Lorie and the girls are planting the garden, taking care of the yard, and working very hard. They even cleaned out the garage and Meagan knows what a task that is. They love me so much to take care of my tools and help me out. I will spray fruit trees when I get home this week.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Behind in all things

No posts of late, am I bad. We had our granddaughter down for about three weeks, two of my sons (in law) graduated, the bathroom flooded again (so we are going to fix that problem and now are remodeling the downstairs bathroom), the yards are behind due to the house remodeling, and summer is here. Hopefully we will get over it and eventually I will catch up and get to play. I have some pictures of Devils Tower that I need to blog about and also a little parade. Nikki took 7th and 8th in the 200m and the 100m at the state tournament last weekend. We all got burnt watch her. Life is great and full of joy.