Sunday, February 15, 2009

Valentines Day

Valentines day is one of my favorites days. It always has been. Maybe it is the lover inside of me or not. Any way, we had a wonderful day. It started out on Friday. Yes, Friday the 13th. I always get the girls a flower and take it to school where they can show off to the other girls and make the boys jealous. That is the main reason I started this tradition is that I wanted to send these young high school boys a message, "My girls are already taken thank you". I never meant for this event to become a tradition, but a week before Nikki, Hailee, or Rachel asked me if I was going to get them a flower this year because Valentines day was on a Saturday instead of a school day. I told them that no I wasn't going to get them a flower and the mutiny began. I didn't let them know that I was going to get them a flower until they got one at school on Friday afternoon.

A couple of weeks earlier, I got Lorie her Valentine day card. I like funny cards not the goofy sentimental ones that are nothing but mush. Then on Friday night we went into Price and I got her a Valentine present, the Pride and Prejudice on DVD. I can't ever surprise her though as she is always with me. We also bought 4 lobster tails, boy were they at a good price, six dollars a piece. Then we came home and watched Casino Royal.

Saturday, Valentines Day, I put up the lights in the garage and tidied up some electrical projects. Lorie cooked the lobster tails purchased the night before and we sat down to a wonderful candle light dinner. Salad, shrimp, asparagus, and a baked potato. We shared our bootie with the girls who kindly ate downstairs, probably because they thought we would kiss or something. We didn't though, it was a very proper dinner. Lorie and given me a bottle of Diesel Colon and all day long the girls said I smelled nice. That is Lorie's and especially Hailee's new favorite smell. We also talked with Jackie and asked her how her date went the night before (Friday Night). She is a good girl and we miss her as she is out on her own living in Logan and going to school. After dinner, I helped Lorie and the girls do dishes and then we retired to the family room to watch Third Rock from the Sun reruns until midnight. It was a great day to remember.

Work on the House

Well, blogging has been put on hold as I have been busy sheet rocking the upstairs and the garage. Lorie, the best wife in the whole wide world has been right at my side helping me get the project done. We borrowed, not sure if the will charge me or how much they will charge, a sheet rock jack so it would be easier to sheet rock the ceiling. Boy, it worked very well in the upstairs and the ceiling is only 8 feet high. It was a different story in the garage where the ceiling is at least 11 to 12 feet high. The jack would only go to about 10 1/2 or 11 feet and we had to lift it up 6-12 inches from there. Hailee helped us a lot and all three of us had aching muscles at the end of each of those days.

Then, yesterday I decided to install the lights in the garage since the ceiling was up. It took all day long as an electrician I'm not. After I figured out what breaker to turn off and remembered how I had wired the lights -- which end was the beginning and where the power was coming from -- I installed the first fixture and then plugged in the lights. Wala, they worked and I didn't even have to redo the project like I usually do. The lights are 48 inch fluorescent lights and they really light up the garage. I can't wait to start wood working or fixing cars in the garage now. There are four of them and they really light up the room. Now I need to finish the upstairs, redo the floor in the old part of the house, put the stair tread on the stairs from the basement, replace the girls bathroom, face the front of the house with brick or rock, cement the drive way, put gutters on, make a walkway around the west side of the house, and hmmm is there anything else, oh yes, I also need to build a deck on to the east side of the house so I can use the office door, and "breath" re square the double doors on the office. Whew, maybe I can get this all done this year. I also want to play in the swell and look for gold and I guess I will never die, I am too busy and have too much to do.