Sunday, July 6, 2008

My First Attempt at Blogging

Well, I've never done this before but decided I would try it even though Jack isn't here to hold my hand and guide me through it. Yesterday, the 5th of July was Jack's and my 24th anniversary. I realized last night as we were praying that I have now been married longer than I was single. That's a mildstone in life isn't it? Jack had to go meet with a hydrogeology client near Richfield in the morning and didn't get home until 5 pm but that gave us the evening to go and do something. I realized the girls (Nikki, Rachel, and Hailee) had plans when Nikki came up to me in the early afternoon and announced that she thought Dad and I should go and do something this evening for our anniversary . . . something that would get us out of the house. Hmmmm. Well, we went to a movie (Get Smart) and when we came home the girls were all dressed in black skirts, with black shirts and looked very much like waitresses in a very fine restaurant. We were directed downstairs where the lights were low and a table was set with a tablecloth and all the trimmings. Our menu for the evening was framed and sitting on the table and candlelight surrounded the room. It was extremely romantic and cozy. Dinner included: shimp cocktail for an appetizer, then salad followed by raspberry sorbet to clear the pallet. We then had the main dish which was marinated steak and a baked potato. Then it was finished off with fruit kabobs and an ice cream sundae. I'll never forget the evening. It was perfect. Aren't families wonderful!!


Leslie said...

I love it! How cute are your girls for doing this? So cute! Happy Anniversary!

Meagan said...

Wow. They really made quite the dinner. Did they actually make all of that? Way to go girls! Happy Anniversary by the way.

Boom said...

Reading this brought tears to my eyes. It is lovely! What wonderful daughters you have!