The girls and I went riding the ATVs in the mountains yesterday (Saturday) and had an enjoyable time. Jackie was down from Logan to see a friend before college started and she wanted to ride the 4x4s in the mountains. We went and road where we rode during the great deer hunt of 07: the day we almost froze. I took a lot of pictures but since Jackie was taking the whirl wind tour of the Wasatch Plateau I didn't get any pictures of us. I did learn a lot. There are still several snow banks on the plateau in the old glacial cirques from the last winter. It is amazing to see the remenant snow and where they are located. I felt like I was traveling along the plateau ten thousand years ago at the end of the last ice age.
The plateau expresses the latest episode of alpine glaciation so well, it is a wonder that it is so unrecognizible to the average person. I forget that being schooled in geology helps me to see these unique features easier than if I had not been schooled in the subject. Here are some pictures of the platuea and the snow banks along the head of the cirques, and the "u" shaped valleys, and the back side of a horn (North Horn Mountain). The pictures also show the beatle kill of the spruce trees. The Manti-La Sal National Forest lost 90% of the spruce due to a beatle infestation about 4-5 years ago. The evergreens seen in the picture are firs and not spruce. This is a sad tale to tell for another day that shows how wrong and stupid the environmentalists are.
We had a blast riding. Rachel was driving the four wheeler and I was on back. She was driving respectibly well not bouncing me around very much, so I grew board. I was carring my .380 and shot it at a river bank while we were moving and scared Rachel with the loud bang. Jackie was riding ahead of us with Hailee on the back and they even looked back also. Rachel told me and I quote "what did you do that for stupid". I guess I am going to have to teach her to respect her elders again. We all had a laugh and I don't care if they keep me in line if they think they have to.
Yay a post! And a geology lesson all in one. No, acutally I like learning from your posts. Then they aren't just pretty pictures, but they also mean something. They are very nice pictures by the way.
You are such a geologist it just is so funny. I was just so wound up I needed to just drive. Sorry I was kinda ornery about it though. You are the best for taking me! Thanks.
Thanks for the geology lesson. Pictures are awesome! It did not take me long to realize it was Jack and not Lorie posting! I love her posts too though! Tell her to add something more frequently!
I love this! And my favorite part was Rachel having to play parent! You crazy Dad!! I would have said the same thing! We love you down here!
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