Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Life in the fast lane

Funny, I have not been able to catch up on my blog. We are as busy as the rest of you out in the real world. Harvest is here and the peaches, apples and pears are great (pics to follow later).

The last adventure, well it is a funny one. The little girls (Nikki, Rachel, and Hailee) and I went to Tyler Rasmussen's reception the Friday of Labor Day weekend. I looked at the directions which were for a chapel in Provo, yea, that should be easy enough to find. It was north of the Provo Temple, in the Indian Hills subdivision in northeast Provo. James and is family live to the west of that area near Edgemont and so, hey, this is easy to find, I know the locality.

Well, we left Castle Dale at 6:00 that night thinking that we would arrive about 8:00 and have time to visit with friends and family. I had called my cousin Rochelle, she and her sister Ranee were going to meet us there where we would have a small reunion with the cousins. I told the girls that I would buy them a good dinner after the reception, so we just bought a snack when we stopped in Price.

We arrived in Provo at about 7:50 and proceeded to drive up to the temple and follow the road behind it toward Indian hills. We drove down Iroquois drive and couldn't see a park next to a church. We did find several churches but not the one that we were suppose to find. We then drove in to the Rock Canyon park to see if that was the park but I wasn't convinced because there was not a church nearby. Then the self doubt creeps in and you begin to believe that you are lost and you didn't see or read the directions right. Then, with me pride takes over and I hate people thinking I am lost. In the work that I do, I travel to all sorts of places that I have never been to and never get lost or loose my way except when I am looking for receptions or weddings. So, I did take it a little rough specially when I am with my girls and start to look bad. Boy, do I hate that. It doesn't happen much, but it does happen.

Well to make a long story short and after finally making contact with Rochelle - she left her cell phone in the van while she attending the reception, I leave my phone in the car also when attending public functions - she directed me to the chapel and we got to see the bride and groom get into their car. I did see Uncle Lynn, Dorothea, and Dianna in the parking lot. We followed them to Ed and Carolyn's house and we did get to see family from Arizona. It was fun and it was worth it, however, we didn't get to see Rochelle or Ranee, that was sad. And the girls still think I am lost.


James and Shawna said...

"I know exactly where we are. . . sort of." I've heard it before! You make it really fun to laugh with you, Dad!

Meagan said...

I love to hear that you are still the same 'ole dad that I know and love. That's a great story. Sorry you didn't get to see all of your cousins though.

Boom said...

I didn't know you always did that at wedding receptions! What's up with that! Makes you all the more lovable!
