Sunday, January 11, 2009

Snowman and Snow Angles

During Christmas when Brooklyn was visiting, between snow storms we made a snowman. Actually her dad, mom, and Hailee built a snowman. I suggested they start the project while I shovel snow off of the sidewalks and clean the driveway. Come to find out the snow was very powdery and not very packable. So by the time I got in the back yard to help, there was this snowman on the retaining wall. He was a small bugger but a snowman he was with arms and three body balls of snow, and eyes making him a real person. I felt bad that I hadn't helped and Brooklyn had fallen in the snow, so I made a snow angel. As I fell into the snow with Hailee and Rachel's help, Brooklyn thought they were mugging me and taking my life. She let out a howl and cried "save bommpa, don't hurt him". I don't know if she actually said that but it sounds good. I tried to get her to stop crying and started waving my arms and my feet making a snow angle. She didn't quite get it as she continued to cry. So after getting up again, I found a new place to fall in the snow and start again. By this time her crying ceased and although she was not exactly laughing, she did accept that maybe there was a bit of fun in the snow.

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