Sunday, March 8, 2009

This isn't Kansas

What was it Dorothy said to her dog Toto? "We're not in Kansas any more". I know how she felt, and I only felt that way one other time when I was 19 years old and 10,000 miles away from home. At least there was only a four hour time difference not an nine hour difference or starting today and eight hour difference. That means that right now as I type it is 3:49 pm mountain standard time but it here as I type it is 11:50 pm and I have been awake since 5:00 am. The thought that you are soooo far away from home is a downer for the first few days. If I started walking now it would take along time to get home.

I am trying to get pictures but I can't load them. The internet is german based and I cannot read german yet. I don't know if anyone heard yet about my adventure in Johnannesburg but it was one that most travelers fear just traveling in the states on business. If you miss a flight or lose luggage, you get a new ticket and figure out what to do or where to stay. That is what happened to me in Joeberg SA as they say here and it was mind boggling. I got new flight arrangements and then a motel or somebodies upstairs appartment where they give lodging, up at 3:30 and to the air port so I don't miss the 6:00 flight to Botswana. All this with Jet lag and not much sleep. I don't think I have slept much maybe four-five hours per day. As it is not midnight I will leave you with this little post and hopefully get picture out on the next post. By the way, I almost got hit in the head by a swarm of bees looking at core. There must have been 10,000 bees in the air looking for a new home. Couldn't tell you if they were Africanized or not but it was interesting and James should like it.


Boom said...

Can't wait for the pictures! What an adventure!

Meagan said...

You are funny Dad. I can't believe you can't speak German after only a week. We love you lots and hope skype gets its act together.

James and Shawna said...

Yay for Leaving Kansas!!! (Don't tell Mickie I said that!) We're so proud of you Dad and can't wait to see and read more about what's going on!

J and L said...

Can I comment on my own blog? I guess so. The bees were news to me. Please, Please Please be careful. You are amazing! Luv U

Dani, Mark and Kids said...

Adventure my #%$. But I do believe that if anyone could walk from there it would be you. Take Care. By the way all the rains must be a sign of global warming. HAHAHA.

Jim said...


Understand you have been wearing the same undies since you arrived? Has it not been over a month? Serious crotch rot could develop, so be careful. Do you want me to drop ship you some new ones?

Go away more often. Since your departure the market is up 20%.

Hope at least you are finding much coal.

See ya.
