Monday, March 24, 2008

A long week

It has been a very long week. Tom, Tina, and their family came out and stayed with us as you know Saturday night and left on Sunday to go and visit Temple Square. Lorie invited them to stay with us as they were returning home Tuesday night. They arrived about 10:00 pm and and we stayed up and talked again as we did on Saturday night. Wednesday morning we took them out geocaching to the desert. We went to Butch Cassidy's hideout and took some pictures. Lorie read the Cassidy book we have as we drove. Tom really got into the book; Lorie even read a chapter late that night to Tom before we went to bed. After we found Cassidy's hideout, we went to the lookout on Cedar Mountain. Lorie and Tina had made sandwiches for us to eat. They were good and we all had fun. It was sad though because Nikki, Rachel, and Hailee had school all day Wednesday and could not go with us to the desert.

On Friday, Lorie, I and the girls went to Meagan and Derek's to see them and the little Sun Spot. Lorie found a stick pony and bought it for Easter. I have Lorie do these things so I can give it to Brooklyn and get all of the accolades. Lorie then took me up to SLC to look at counter tops. We are getting a granite counter top because I am a geologist and like igneous rocks. Lorie also would like on. We went to two warehouses and it was amazing, I was like kid in a candy factory. There were blue anorthosites chuck full of blue labradorite from Canada and Norway; granites from Brazil that had different degrees of metamorphism from meta granites to very foliated gneisses. There were granitoid slabs from all different parts of the world. The one she picked out is a good one and I can bore all of the relatives when they come to see us by explaining how it formed and what minerals are in the slab.

When we returned from SLC, we went out to eat with Meag, Derek, Shawna, and James. We took the little Sun Spot also as well as the three little girls. We missed Jackie very much, so we made her an Easter basket and we added a little surpise to her basket so she could go and buy a shirt or something. We went to eat at Los 3 Amigos. The food is pretty good. Everybody filled up on chips and we ended up carting out food for Saturday. Lorie, I, and the girls enjoyed spending time with the girls of Provo for Easter. Next year I think it will be Jackie's turn to have us come visit her for Easter.

Inbetween all of this, we have been installing the floor for the Kitchen-Dining Room. What a job. We finished tonight and my knees are in a bit of pain. I will need some ibuprofen to be able to sleep. Lorie racks out the floor and I pound them together and nail them down. It is fun work but it can be a pain. We worked Thursday, Saturday, and Monday, and we finally finished it Monday at about 9:45 pm. Nikki, Rachel, and Hailee feel like they have really suffered because of the clutter. Lorie has suffered the most and I am just bugged and can't wait to get the house finished. THE FLOOR IS FINISHED AND WE ARE READY NOW FOR CABINETS. They should arrive between now and Thursday and they will be installed on Thursday. That was our week and I am tired, my arms hurt, my knees are rubber, and I can't keep my eyes open any longer.


Leslie said...

The floor looks beautiful! I can't wait to see the rest of it! Oh. . .and believe it or not I miss hearing Uncle Jack's "boring" mineral stories. Too bad everyone has to live so far away from each other. Oh well, thank goodness for blogs and e-mail.

Boom said...

I can't wait to see the whole thing either. When is the next wedding!

Would someone tell Meagan I would like to be invited to her blog? Thank you!

Happy Day!

Meagan said...

It looks beautiful!

amy said...

i guess i didn't make much of an impression on you, Jack. i did meet you at Leslie's wedding, i was all pregnant and stuff. (this in response to your comment on our blog). :)