Sunday, April 6, 2008


After replacing some of the plywood sub-floor in the kitchen, Lorie and I began laying the floor in the diningroom. We laid out a baseline and then started in the bay window. The first piece is the most difficult because if it is not parallel to the baseline, which also should be parallel to the wall, then when you get to the opposite wall, the lines will not be attractive and your wife will rightly complain and make you take up the floor. I don’t want the floor to look like some idiot laid the floor who didn’t know a board from a nail. This comes from drywall experience and could we tell you stories about that. Not knowing or having much experience with a wood floor, I do not know what to expect in the next few years. It is beautiful, and it is wonderful to hear Lorie ooh and aaah about her new floor. Teak wood is different to work with I have found out and I have learned a few hints about this type of wood. I hope it will look this good in years to come. It is always fun working with Lorie.

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