Monday, July 7, 2008

Changes Are Good - Right?

I've had a couple changes in the past week. First of all, I picked up a little side job a couple weekends a month. I have a little neighbor lady (Lecta) who is somewhere in her 80's and lives in her own little house right next to her daughter who takes care of her. Well, the daughter (Julie) announced in Relief Society that she needed someone to watch Lecta a couple weekends a month so I volunteered. The perk is that she pays me to do it. Lecta is not hard to take care of but is not remembering very well any more. We took her with us to see the fireworks on the 4th of July and she loved it. She even remembered that she had gone two days later. I took over the "Love Comes Softly" series as well and she watched 6 of them by Sunday. (She can't get much by herself). Anyway, I enjoy Lecta so I think it will work out well taking care of her since I live right next door. My second change is that Sunday I got released from my Primary job which was teaching 6 - 7 year olds in Primary and am now in the Nursery. I don't mind doing a round in the Nursery, other than I'll be reminded every week how much I miss my little Brooklyn and I really love my Primary kids. I'm so sad. I had Becca, Calvin, Cory & Jack. They are so cute. I guess I was inspired to have them over last Monday to make M&M cookies. I thought being released as Young Women's President or Relief Society President was hard. This is even worse. For some reason I became very attached to my kids. Jack has only been to Primary about 4 times this year and he was there two weeks in a row now. His mom came up to me Sunday and said he talked about coming to my house all week. In fact she said that Monday night he took charge of the whole dinner and told his brother that he couldn't have a cookie until he ate his brocolli (sp?). She said he didn't feel good Sunday but he wanted to go to Primary and he did. That was the first time all year that he was there two weeks in a row! I hope he keeps coming. Oh well. I'm sure I'll come to love the Nursery kids as well.


Meagan said...

Yay! You are such a great person Mom. I remember that you were (and apparently still are) great with people no matter their age, capacity, etc. I am sure you will have fun with Lecta.

Boom said...

Can I get an invite to Shawna and James blog?

Boom said...

I guess we traded places. I was released from the Nursery and put in as teacher of CTR 6's. Meagan is right, you are great to all ages. I miss everyone. Sorry I missed your anniversary. I'm getting OLD and SENILE!