Thursday, December 4, 2008
Ahhh @#$%T Moment

Muddy Week

Sunday, November 16, 2008
My Version of the Venison
This is the story of the unlucky deer. After spending a Saturday in the mountains - we hunted around middle mountain all day on opening day - Rachel and I went out to one of the local farms after school on Monday. We left about 6:00 hoping that Nikki would be able to join us, but she had something else that needed to be done so we left her at home. Hailee was not yet home from volleyball practice.
I thought we would hunt on Clyde Magnuson's property east of Castle Dale which is called the breaks by the locals. I trapped beaver one year out on his places, so I was familiar with the lay of the land. Rachel and I parked at the duck pond and walked along the road looking for any sign of deer there might be. One of Clyde's hired hands told us he had seen some antelope out there but not any deer. We saw a lot of antelopes tracks and I knew there had to be there deer because of the alfalfa fields. We only had about an hour to hunt before dark, so I wasn't to hopeful that we would be successful.
We walked for about 30 minutes along the back road and then stopped and glassed the area. We wouldn't have time to walk to the creek and hunt along the cottonwoods that were to the south of us and the fields near the creek showed no sign of deer or movement. We stood there talking for about 10 minutes and then I said to Rachel that we needed to head on back before it got dark. We turned to go and all of the sudden a deer jumped up from behind some brush and a lone cottonwood along the edge of the field. It ran away from us but Rachel noticed that it was a buck and so the shooting began. I shot first and thought I saw dust so I thought I missed it. The deer went into some willows and we thought we were through. As I turned to start walking down the road Rachel said, "look dad, there he is". She then shot and I also shot again and we saw the deer stagger and then fall. We went and found the deer and started a long night of cleaning and bringing it home. As we cleaned it, we figured out that both of us had hit the deer but Rachel put her tag on it and as far as I know, she is the one that brought it down.
With the remodel/addition to the house, we now have a big picture window in the dining room/kitchen. The other day, I was sitting at the computer in the office which is next to the kitchen with the door open. The house was quiet, Jack was working out of town, the kids were at school, when all of a sudden I heard this, "fwump!" Something hit the window. I got up and checked if the window was broken. No cracks. Thank goodness! I went back to my computer work. Later in the afternoon, I was walking through the kitchen and there was a huge mark on the window that I had cleaned just a couple months previously. My first thought was, how did that get there and what is it? I looked closer and then remembered the fwump from earlier that day. It was the mark from the bird that hit the window. It was a big bird! If you can't see it, the big round blob is the body of the bird. The half circle above is the head and you can even make out the eyes and beak that were smashed down into the body. Then of course the two lines going up and down from the blob are the wings. Jack measured and the wing span is approximately 16 inches. Pretty big bird. I did check to see if the bird was dead and I'm happy to report that there was no evidence lying at the foot of the window. I would imagine, however, that its' mental capacity has been somewhat diminished.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Honey Harvest
Colorado Drilling
The Derrick is a triple, meaning that it can stand three lengths of 30 foot pipe on the floor. When we trip for a bit, there will be 5,000-10,000 feet of pipe standing on end. Now on to other thing that may be more interesting.
I went to Colorado to help finish Grandma Thomas' estate. There is 80 acres of land that was hers and Grandpa Thomas'. His dad surveyed for the US government in the early 1900s and late 1800s and as part of payment, the government deeded him some land in southern Colorado in the San Juan Mountains. I, my dad, and Kelly went up to find the survey corners and place fence post at the corners so that the children of Harold and Bertha Thomas would now know where their land is and what it looks like. The picture of the cadastrel survey post was placed in 1987 before Joseph F. Thomas surveyed the property, but I did find a tree that may have been used in the original survey as a corner tree for section 1 and 2 of T32 N, 4 E. It was fun working with Kelly and Dad, although at times it was hard to determine who was the boss.
We found the SE corner to tract 5 of the property. This marker is the one shown and it is the center corner of Section 1. The eastern property line goes from this marker north for 1/2 mile to the North Center corner, which is the NE corner of tract 1.
The elevation of the property is 10,000 feet above sea level. The air was thin and walking with steel posts was difficult for one who is not in shape, boy how I miss being 20. The property had been logged and was very healthy. New growth was occurring and the remaining trees were free from beetle damage and very healthy. The days, both Thursday and Friday were warm and sunny with threats of rain by large dark thunder clouds during brief periods of the afternoon on Thursday.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Life in the fast lane
The last adventure, well it is a funny one. The little girls (Nikki, Rachel, and Hailee) and I went to Tyler Rasmussen's reception the Friday of Labor Day weekend. I looked at the directions which were for a chapel in Provo, yea, that should be easy enough to find. It was north of the Provo Temple, in the Indian Hills subdivision in northeast Provo. James and is family live to the west of that area near Edgemont and so, hey, this is easy to find, I know the locality.
Well, we left Castle Dale at 6:00 that night thinking that we would arrive about 8:00 and have time to visit with friends and family. I had called my cousin Rochelle, she and her sister Ranee were going to meet us there where we would have a small reunion with the cousins. I told the girls that I would buy them a good dinner after the reception, so we just bought a snack when we stopped in Price.
We arrived in Provo at about 7:50 and proceeded to drive up to the temple and follow the road behind it toward Indian hills. We drove down Iroquois drive and couldn't see a park next to a church. We did find several churches but not the one that we were suppose to find. We then drove in to the Rock Canyon park to see if that was the park but I wasn't convinced because there was not a church nearby. Then the self doubt creeps in and you begin to believe that you are lost and you didn't see or read the directions right. Then, with me pride takes over and I hate people thinking I am lost. In the work that I do, I travel to all sorts of places that I have never been to and never get lost or loose my way except when I am looking for receptions or weddings. So, I did take it a little rough specially when I am with my girls and start to look bad. Boy, do I hate that. It doesn't happen much, but it does happen.
Well to make a long story short and after finally making contact with Rochelle - she left her cell phone in the van while she attending the reception, I leave my phone in the car also when attending public functions - she directed me to the chapel and we got to see the bride and groom get into their car. I did see Uncle Lynn, Dorothea, and Dianna in the parking lot. We followed them to Ed and Carolyn's house and we did get to see family from Arizona. It was fun and it was worth it, however, we didn't get to see Rochelle or Ranee, that was sad. And the girls still think I am lost.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
School Starts Again
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Beeeeez Beeeeez and More Beeeeez
Well, Shawna here is the bee blog finally. You have been after me for a while to get this written, so I am writing it now before I write any thing about our little vacation to Colorado (hopefully James the 1st will get this before he comes home).
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Shriners Parade
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Devils Tower
Monday, July 7, 2008
Changes Are Good - Right?
Sunday, July 6, 2008
My First Attempt at Blogging
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Southern Utah
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Greybull Wyoming
I will probably go home via Yellowstone Park to Logan -- I am sad that none of my kids or wife will be with me to see the park -- where I can stop in and see Jackie. I will take some pictures and post them so we can plan our trip to Yellowstone next year. Brooklyn will come and visit and have so much fun.
Lorie and the girls are planting the garden, taking care of the yard, and working very hard. They even cleaned out the garage and Meagan knows what a task that is. They love me so much to take care of my tools and help me out. I will spray fruit trees when I get home this week.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Behind in all things
Saturday, April 19, 2008
The Geology of Rushmore
Mount Rushmore (part II)
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Mount Rushmore (in the light)
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Bees, Bees, Bees
It was fun to watch James care for the bees, he was gentle and careful with each one, he did not want to hurt even one. We watched him spray the comb hangers, grab the queen and pull the cork out so that the worker bees could free her, and then dump the bees from the container into the hive. No one got stung except James and that was at the very end after we had closed up the hive and were leaving. We plan to have lots of fruit and honey for our bread.
Archery is Finished
Nikki actually shot a balloon containing a piece of paper that would get her another prize. As she walked up to shoot the arrow, the person in charge told her to use the second sight on her bow. She didn’t want to and worried that the arrow would hit the floor due to her experience of aiming and shooting this winter. She how ever did what she was advised and as she knew the arrow flew low, but the arrow did not hit the floor, instead it popped the balloon just above the floor. I was proud of all three girls because they were timid – not sure of themselves among experts who understood the equipment they didn’t. They did very well and with practice will be better.
Brooklyn Visits
Fire at Hunter Power Plant Farm
Pruning Time
Hailee took over when Shawna left to go back to BYU. She pruned peach, apple, and pear trees at my side and we spent one whole Saturday on the back orchard. Hailee and Lorie helped me prune the apricot tree in the front yard. They did a wonderful job.
For those that care and hope you all do, we are going to plant five more hopefully ten more trees. Brad has ordered five Cameo trees for me and Shawna is going to help me graft five Jonathan trees. These will help us to make the best apple juice ever made.
Cabinets Come
Monday, March 24, 2008
A long week
Sunday, March 16, 2008
BBall, Plays, and continued Kitchen work
We have kitchen cabinents coming the end of this month and as you see we are tearing up the original subfloor of the kitchen. There was some water damage and believe it or not, it was easier to tear up the floor than to scrape off the old linoleum. Mom and Nikki started tearing up the floor and when I got back from the dump and lumber yard, I began to help them in the demolition. We had started to lay the new floor down when Tom, Tina, Casey, and the girls arrived. Tom helped me finish the floor, it was just like old times but he is a good carpenter and he really helped me get it done. We then went out to eat with them and the girls. It feels like this is becoming th